We bring you back-saving, hand-powered tools that make small-scale farming easier.
Choose your Backsaver.
The Backsaver story.
Michris Janse van Rensburg, farmer, inventor, and founder of Backsaver, works with small-scale farmers in South Africa and throughout the African continent.
He often faces a question in his travels, "How will we get the youth back into farming?" The obvious answer is "through technology."
What people are saying.
“Totally different concept. New proudly South African boer-maak-‘n-plan design. Not an American copy.”
— James Andrews
“As a customer, I am so very proud of you. You’re always making it easy for those of us without tractors!”
— Olebogeng Tlhalerwa
“Backsaver can create jobs for others.”
— Meshack Mogatusi
“Any chance we can get that planter in the USA?”
— Wade J. Dennis